Yayasan Bhakti Total

In the framework of its Corporate Social Responsibility to bring the maximum benefit for the people and the state of Indonesia, and under the constructive supervision of BP MIGAS, TOTAL E&P INDONESIE is intensely involved in four programs focused on Education and Research, Health and Nutrition Community Economic Empowerment and Capacity Building, Environment and Alternative energies. All of which are in live with the commitment in answering the challenge of sustainable development.
As the 5th program of the TEPI’s CSR, Yayasan Bhakti Total Bagi Indonesia Lestari (Total E&P Indonesie Foundation) was established with the mission to preserve and promote the rich cultural heritage Indonesia.
Yayasan Bhakti Total Bagi Indonesia Lestari is currently developing several programs :
-         Conservatory for East Kalimantan Traditional Craft with special focus on hand weaved craft (basketry work) made from natural materials such as bamboo, rattan, pandanus etc.
-         Organizing and facilitating of yearly Festival Wayang Indonesian at Jakarta.
-         Organizing and facilitating of Jepen Dance Festival in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan.
-         Publication of books with cultural content.
-         Support to Indonesians Museums.

To conserve the culture heritage of Indonesia by providing specific cultural and technical training to preserve and transmit the unique skills to the new, young generation of artisans.
To promote the culture to broader public through educational exhibitions, cultural and art performances, basketry demonstrations and classes.
To empower the local communities by actively supporting their affronts to transform the traditional handicraft production into an economic activity with a long term viability.

In order to fulfill our missions, Yayasan Bhakti Total Bagi Indonesia Lestari established several dedicated spaces:
Gallery collects, preserves and exposes for public the best samples of ancient and contemporary Dayak handicraft.
Library contains large collections of books, articles and magazines specialized in Kalimantan traditional communities, their culture, ethnology, agriculture, forestry, literature and social economic development.
Multimedia center presents information about East Kalimantan field surveys and about our current projects.
Workshop is a multi function space dedicated to basketry trainings and classes, plaiting demonstrations and displays of tools and materials used.

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